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Stripe Fee Breakdown

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From the total sale price including shipping (if any) Stripe applies a processing fee inclusive of GST to the total sale amount. This is comprised of 1.75% + 0.30c inclusive of GST per final sales order irrespective of the total value of the order.

For example: if an order on CellarsMarket totalled $10.95 Stripe would apply the above calculation on the $10.95 amount. The final Stripe fee being 0.44c + GST = 0.48c

Order amount = $10.95
Stripe fee = $10.95 x 1.75% + 0.30c = 0.49c
GST inclusive amount of 0.49c = 0.04c

Final Stripe fee = 0.44c
GST fee = 0.04c
Total = 0.48c (rounded down to ensure you are not overcharged due to rounding)

This is what you will see in your Stripe account. This example is from a fictitious Seller and sale.